- Noem signs bill allowing for trapping, neutering & releasing feral cats 3-8-24 Dakota News Now
- Tickets Selling Fast for March Kitten Yoga 3-3-24 Dakota News Now
- TNR bill heads to Gov. Noem’s desk after House ‘let the dogs out’ 2-26-24 Keloland News
- Change to ‘TNR’ plan lets the dogs out, but feral cats stay 2-23-24 Keloland News
- Feral cats prompt change to animal abandonment law 2-3-24 The Dakota Scout
- Kitten Yoga benefits Sioux Empire TNR Coalition 1-2-24 Dakota News Now
- Press Release: 8-9-23 Sioux Falls Non-Profit Seeks to Tackle Cat Overpopulation Through Implementing a Trap-Neuter-Release (TNR) Program (PDF)
- Cat over-population solution: Trap, neuter & release (August 8, 2023), Dakota News Now
- Cat rescuers leading new effort to reduce overpopulation of feral cats (April 12, 2023), Pigeon 605