Welcome to the Sioux Empire TNR Coalition
Our mission is to foster community welfare and improvement through protecting the quality of lives for feral and free roaming cats. Sioux Empire TNR works with compassionate community volunteers, local government officials, and companion animal rescues to utilize humane population control of unaltered, free-roaming, feral, and/or abandoned domestic cats in our area through education and the use of Trap/Neuter/Return (TNR). We also provide referrals for low or no-cost sterilization surgeries and provide access to a wide range of resources for TNR education and colony management in the Sioux Empire and surrounding areas. Finally we adopt friendly cats and kittens who come to us through TNR and other local resources into loving homes.

Our Goals
- A long-term community commitment to, and achievement of, the reduction of the local free-roaming cat population.
- Improved quality of life for homeless cats and kittens, humane treatment, and a community understanding that they are victims of circumstance, deserve care and kindness, and provide a valuable public service in rodent control.
- Reduction of the occurrence of nuisance behaviors associated with mating, including spraying, yowling, and fighting so that people and cats can live in harmony.
- An end to the incidence of cats and kittens destroyed by animal shelters and animal control agencies simply due to their numbers or failure to be adopted.
- Education and encouragement of participation from community members, other animal support groups and shelters, veterinarians, animal care professionals, and local government so there is a clear understanding of the success that can be achieved through the operation of a strong Trap/Neuter/Return program.